Following weeks of research, brainstorming, asking for and getting advice, I finally have an accomplishable and clear plan for my movie plot and opening scene. The only aspects I'm missing are the movie's name, and my actress or videographer, but I'm otherwise fully decided on what I want to do.
The general plot of my movie is about a girl in the mid 19th century who witnessed her own twin sister's suicide and started going insane. Because she's of high class though, her family forced her to get lobotomized so that it didn't tarnish the family image. This all happens before the film starts, so the progression of the film itself is her narrative of slowly finding out what her family's been hiding from her but returning to her state of insanity as she finds more out because the lack of memory from the lobotomy makes her also forget how much her family loves her. For this reason, she believes they have the worse intentions in all their actions. The entire film is from her journal's perspective and her own narration of it. Because of this she qualifies as an unreliable narrator, which was exactly my goal.
This psychological period drama's opening scene will play out the following way:
She is laying face up in a beautiful field, looking at the clouds and there is no other sound but the typical ones of a beautiful sunny day. The soft classical music then begins, and she starts speaking what she's writing down in her journal out loud. She's shown laying in the grass writing, and she speaks of her morning, her dull life, and her "naturally flawed" memory. The entire opening consists of her confusion and wanting to know more about the world. We're shown different cuts of her running in the field, flowers, her pen tangled in the grass, leaves, trees with rays of sun shining through, and overall warm, beautiful, light editing. Once her mom calls her to come back inside, she sighs and rolls her eyes but picks up her things and starts walking when she passes a tree. When's she's walking past said tree, the editing becomes darker and gloomier and the music shifts slightly in a negative light. She's looking around when she notices and stops to notice some rope tied around one of the branches and an earring on the grass directly below it reflecting the sunshine. She hears the laughs of two young girls playing near her. Then her mom calls for her again and she immediately starts running towards the house, but the camera stays on the tree and the title is displayed while she's running. The continuation of her moving off stage is going to limit the title from looking like the ending and more like the entrance.
After laying out my plan, I have to decide on a title which I think would have to do with either falling (into madness) or hanging on to something (like noose on a tree branch). Something adorable sounding that will sound completely different after you've watched the movie. Maybe "Falling Through the Rose Bush" and the main character's name could be Lily and her twin was named Rose (both flower names), but that isn't revealed to the very end. Yeah, I think Falling Through the Rose Bush is a perfect title.
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