Before diving into the actual filming going on, I wanted to dive a little bit into the process that went on previous to that. To say the least, filming day wasn't a headache. It was a migraine. Not only was it delayed, but it was inconveniently timed and we were working against Mr. Sun to film before he set.
The Day Before
Saturday, March 1st
11:00 AM
This was originally the day when both me and my cameraman, Lejandro, were supposed to film. It was great! We needed to film while the sun was shining bright. The weather was nice, there was a breeze, not a single cloud in the sky, and the whole day to shoot as much as we needed.
1:00 PM
I text Leo "Hey! I'm gonna leave in around half an hour to pick you up, so be ready, please!"
Leo texts me "Okay cool! Has the dress arrived yet?" (The costume I ordered from Amazon was being delivered the day of filming. Irresponsible, I know, but it was supposed to work out either way.)
I text Leo "Nope not yet. On the way though!"
Leo texts me "So what time is this going to finish so we can start getting ready for later?"
I text Leo "Later? What's later?? When later???"
Oh crap.
Leo texts me "My dad's birthday. Keyla I told you about this weeks ago. It's in an hour or two."
I text Leo "There's no way I'm filming and getting ready that fast."
Leo texts me "We can just film tomorrow then, no worries."
Long story short, "tomorrow" was the busiest day I had scheduled in about a year.
Filming Day
Sunday, March 2nd
8:15 AM
The dress still has not arrived.
I'm getting ready because I'm running a booth for my city's World Festival. We have been planning this booth since December.
I pack everything that I'm going to need for filming after the festival.
9:20 AM
I arrive at the park where the festival is taking place to set up the booth.
We set up for about an hour and a half
11:00 AM
The festival begins!
Leo texts me good morning and asks when we're filming today
I reply "Whenever World Fest. is done. I'd say from 1-2 PM"
12:00 PM
I'm working at the booth.
1:00 PM
I'm still working at the booth.
2:00 PM
Still working at the booth.
3:00 PM
I'm asked to stay for longer to help clean up. Anything for those service hours.
Then, my dad and brother arrive but the food trucks are still there so we must stay because it would be like wasting money if we didn't get anything.
After that, we finally go home so I can get ready for filming.
The dress was not waiting for me on my porch.
4:00 PM
The dress finally arrived! I ironed it and then we could get going to pick Lejandro up and film.
We arrived at the park where we were filming and began even though we needed to film while the sun was still out and sunset was at 6:00 PM.
6:00 PM
We did it! Filming was done for the most part and the sun slowly fading actually gave a nice new meaning to the lighting mise-en-scene of my opening.
I still wasn't even done after this hectic day. I had driving lessons at 6:30 and my brother's basketball practice had just ended half an hour away from the park. Not to mention both my parents were with him and I had no other ride. That's irrelevant to this, but it all goes to say that while the filming day was not smooth on any level, the filming itself went fantastically.
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